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Trang tin Kế toán
Diễn đàn Kế toán
Webketoan Academy
Đăng nhập
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Trang từ điển
Trang tin Kế toán
Diễn đàn Kế toán
Webketoan Academy
Trang đầu
Thuật ngữ tài chính kế toán
Processing department
Residual income
Responsibility center
sale and leaseback transaction
Sales budget: Dự toán tiêu thụ - Mục tiêu và cách lập dự toán tiêu thụ sản phẩm
Sales mix
Schedule of cost of goods manufactured
Schedule of cost of goods sold
Screening decision
Second-stage allocation
Self-imposed budget
Sell or process further decision
Selling and administrative expense budget
separate financial statements
set-off, legal right of
settlement (of employee benefit obligations)
settlement date
settlement value
share option
share-based payment arrangement
share-based payment transaction
short seller
short-term employee benefits
significant influence
Simple rate of return
Special order
Spending variance
Split-off point
spot exchange rate
Standard cost - Chi phí định mức và cách phân loại, xây dựng chi phí định mức
Standard cost card
Standard cost per unit
Standard hours allowed
Standard hours per unit
Standard price per unit
Standard quantity allowed
Standard quantity per unit
Standard rate per hour
state (employee benefit) plan
Statement of cash flows
Sunk cost
Target costing
Target profit analysis
tax base of an asset or liability
tax expense (tax income)
taxable profit (tax loss)
taxable temporary differences
temporary differences
termination benefits
Throughput time
Time ticket
Time value of money
total comprehensive income
trade date
transaction costs (financial instruments)
Transaction driver
transitional liability (defined benefit plans)
treasury shares
Trend percentages
Underapplied overhead
unearned finance income
unguaranteed residual value
Unit-level activities
useful life
useful life
Variable overhead efficiency variance
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