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Trang tin Kế toán
Diễn đàn Kế toán
Webketoan Academy
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Trang tin Kế toán
Diễn đàn Kế toán
Webketoan Academy
Trang đầu
Thuật ngữ tài chính kế toán
date of transition to IFRSs
Decentralized organization
deductible temporary differences
deemed cost
deferred tax assets
deferred tax liabilities
defined benefit liability
defined benefit obligation (present value of)
defined benefit plans
defined benefit plans
defined contribution plans
defined contribution plans
Degree of operating leverage
Delivery cycle time
demonstrably committed
deposit component
depreciable amount
depreciation (amortisation)
derecognition (of a financial instrument)
derivative financial instruments
Differential cost
Differential revenue
diluted earnings per share
dilutive potential ordinary shares
direct insurance contract
Direct labor budget - Mục tiêu và cách lập dự toán chi phí nhân công trực tiếp
Direct materials budget
Direct materials budget - Mục tiêu và cách lập dự toán chi phí NVL trực tiếp
Direct method
direct method of reporting cash flows from operating activities
discontinued operation
discretionary participation feature
disposal group
Earnings Before Interest and Taxes (EBIT): Cách tính và ý nghĩa của EBIT trong phân tích tài chính
economic life
Economic Value Added (EVA)
effective interest method
effective interest rate
embedded derivative
employee benefits
employees and others providing similar services
Ending finished goods inventory budget
entity-specific value
equity instrument
equity instrument granted
equity interests
equity method
equity-settled share-based payment transaction
Equivalent units
Equivalent units of production (weighted-average method)
events after the reporting period
exchange difference
exchange rate
experience adjustments
exploration and evaluation assets
exploration and evaluation expenditures
exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources
fair value
fair value
fair value less costs to sell
Fair value less costs to sell (FVLCTS)
faithful representation
FIFO (first-in, first- out)
FIFO method
finance lease
financial asset
financial asset or financial liability held for trading
financial guarantee contract
financial instrument
Financial leverage
financial liability
financial liability at fair value through profit or loss
financial position
financial risk
financial statements
Financing activities
financing activities
Finished goods
firm commitment
firm purchase commitment
first IFRS financial statements
first IFRS reporting period
First-stage allocation
first-time adopter
fixed price contract
fixed production overheads
Flexible budget
forecast transaction
foreign currency
foreign currency transaction
foreign operation
forgivable loans
forward-looking information
Free cash flow
functional currency
funding (of post- employment benefits)
funding (of retirement benefits)
future economic benefit
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